
Win-Win Affiliate Partnerships

Earn up to $1,200 for every converted referral you make!

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Our High-Paying Web Marketing Affiliate Program

Are you a connector, online influencer, networked salesperson, IT professional, or just someone who knows of a business or two in need of reliable web marketing support they can trust? This is an opportunity to help your contacts solve their problems and earn some decent cash in the process.

Unlike most affiliate programs for website services that either pay peanuts for referrals or spread out payments over long stretches of time, ours pays up to $1,200 within just a few months!

High-Paying Website Affiliate Commissions

Nothing happens overnight in the online search engines but I’m truly impressed with the results I’ve seen with GlideStep. They are consistent in communicating with me on a weekly basis with updates of ongoing improvements to my website and improvements with links on search engines.

Cecil Jennings, Owner — Cecil Jennings

We Value Your Efforts & Your Trust

We understand that it’s your reputation on the line when you recommend a service like ours. We have spent the better part of 20 years developing our own reputation for innovative products and above-and-beyond service. Regardless of how folks find us, we treat everyone promptly, honestly, professionally, and with respect. Our clients trust us, but let us thank you for trusting us by offering you more than just kind words.

Monthly SEO Plans

$600 New SEO Client Commission

If your referral signs up for an SEO Support plan within a year of becoming our client—and continues with that SEO service for at least three months—we’ll pay you $600!

New Website Setups

$600 New Website Setup Commission

Earn $600 if your referral needs a new Website Setup within 12-months of becoming our client!

Who Are We Looking For?

We’re looking for motivated partners who like helping their contacts find reliable solutions while getting paid for it along the way. If you know of businesses that might benefit from the web services we provide, let’s talk. Whether you have a single referral in mind or want to produce a stream of them to earn bigger bucks, drop us a line!

Sales Pros

Partnering Agencies

IT Providers


Content Creators

Our Own Clients

What To Expect

We bring to our referring partner relationships the same ethos that our clients expect from us. We maintain a culture of transparency, reliability, accountability, integrity, loyalty, and value creation. You can expect prompt, professional communications and payments, of course. You can also count on us to never stop looking for ways to support your goals and create value for our referring partners. We offer the industry’s most competitive commissions because we want to work with the best referral partners. We understand that if you win, we win.

Generous Commissions

As en early affiliate member, you will enjoy robust commission opportunities on SEO Plans and new Website Setups. Earn between $600-$1,200 for each referral!

Up-Front Payments

No need to break out a spreadsheet to see what some small percentage might be worth over time if a referral sticks around. With us, you get paid all up-front.

Dedicated Support

Whether you have questions about your affiliate account or have a cool idea for custom marketing collateral or a campaign to boost your referrals, we are here to support you!

All Skill Levels

You don’t need to be a tech genius or even know what SEO is to join this program. If you have contacts that are a good fit for our services, just make the introduction and we’ll handle the rest.

Prompt Payments

You can expect prompt payments. Signup bonuses and setup commissions will be paid pretty much as soon as we get paid by our new client.

Early Benefit Lock-In

Our referral commissions are some of the highest we've seen, and we don't expect to offer them indefinitely. But as an early partner, you'll be locked into these payout rates!

How Much Can You Earn?

If a referral signs up for an SEO Support plan—and sticks with that SEO plan for at least three months—you’ll automatically get $600. If they need a website setup, that will get you $600 as well. Even if your referral starts out only needing website hosting or running postcard campaigns, if at any point within their first 12-months of being our client they need either SEO Support or a Website Setup we’ll still pay these commissions.

**This means a single referral can earn you $1,200! **

High-Paying Website Affiliate Commissions

Ready to Start Earning Commissions?

Getting started is easy. Just use the link below to start your (quick) application and let us know what you’re all about and hope to achieve. We’ll respond with our trademark promptness. Look forward to hearing from you!



Do you have unique tracking links?

At this time, we are not using affiliate tracking links or cookies to connect referrals to our referral partners. The buying decision time for larger services like website setups or SEO support are just too long to fairly depend on a browser cookie, since many folks are increasingly browsing in incognito mode or clearing their caches at least every few months.

If you are wanting to promote our services on a blog or podcast, then we may be willing to create a unique promo code for you to share with your audience. Just reach out to us to learn more.

Can GlideStep handle referrals of all sizes?

We have worked with businesses of all shapes and sizes. But it honestly just depends on the project needs of each specific referral. When in doubt, we suggest putting us in touch. If we're not a great fit, we'll be the first ones to let the referral know that.

We don't like biting off more than we can chew, or taking on projects where we aren't certain of successful outcomes. That's a big part of why we tend to have happy clients that stick around with us! Basically, don't worry too much about whether your referral seems like a good fit or not. If they need marketing help (especially digital marketing), then just put us in touch and we can handle the rest!

Are affiliates considered employees?

Affiliates are not considered employees.

Can I run my own paid search campaigns?

We currently don't allow affiliates to run paid search campaigns, as these may compete against our own efforts.

What sort of sales collateral is available?

We are currently working with partners to build up a library of approved brand assets. While we are happy to support any new marketing collateral ideas, we want to make sure that our brand standards are being enforced. So if you have a new web page idea or presentation deck that will be using our logo or namesake in a way that appears as if it's coming from our team, then you'll need to have it approved by our team.

Can I run my own automated outreach campaigns?

It depends on the campaign. While we are generally happy for affiliates to leverage automation and current technologies to help expand their reach, we do not want the GlideStep brand being associated with spammy bot campaigns. That's why we ask about your intended methodologies for outreach during initial affiliate application. Ongoing campaigns that try to leverage scaling technologies will generally need to be approved by our team beforehand. But if you have questions, just let us know!


How are payments processed?

At this time, we can either send referral payouts by direct deposit to your checking account or via PayPal.

How soon will I be paid?

Signup bonuses and setup commissions will be paid as soon as we get paid by the client.

Am I responsible for my own taxes?

We will not withhold any taxes from commission payments, since affiliate partners are not considered employees. So yes, you are responsible for paying taxes on whatever referral commissions you earn with us.

Can I stack the bonus for monthly plans with the website setup commission?

Yes! If your referral needs a monthly service and a website setup, then you will be eligible to receive the one-time signup bonus for the monthly services as well as the commission for the website setup. So the commissions do, in fact, stack.


Can I refer someone for a different service?

While we are currently only offering referral commissions for select services (SEO Support, and Website Setups), you are certainly welcome to refer people for our other services (Managed Website Hosting, Direct Mail, Feedback/Reviews, and Paid Search). If your referral ends up later ordering one of the eligible services within their first year of being a client with us, then we will be happy to pay referral commissions.

Is there a maximum amount I can earn?

Technically, we do not have a ceiling on what an affiliate can earn in this program in the long-term. We do, however, have some degree of production capacity restraints since we are a small team that isn't outsourcing all of our work to the cheapest bidders overseas like some agencies are doing these days. So if you run a successful blog and refer 500 new sign-ups to us in a single week then there is a chance that not every referral will be fulfilled right away. If you have questions about this though, best to just get in touch with us so we can discuss.

Can I refer my own company?

Unfortunately, we typically do not pay affiliate commissions if the affiliate has an existing official relationship with the referred client (employees can't get a commission for referring their own companies, basically). If you have any questions about whether a referral you have in mind will be acceptable based on your relationship, we encourage you to ask us before making the referral. Of course, you're still more than welcome to put us in touch with your own company since we'll likely make you look good in the long run!